Bringing up Baobao etc.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Booboos from a Book

The teachers at the preschool apparently photocopied and stabled a 3rd storybook from Primary Phonics series. Last night, when Sienna got onto it's center page, by habit, she tried to flatten the book on the table. While she swiped her hand across the center fold, the stables gave two little tears on her palm. "Band-Aid, Band-Aid, Mommy, it's bleeding..." I looked at her hand. Just two red marks with a tiny bit of depth. Then she claimed that she couldn't walk... I know someone like her, who didn't even fall much learning to walk, this was a big deal. I felt bad because I already noticed the stable default, but I didn't give it another thought.

The school must be so careful about everything. Still when it comes to precious little people, you can never be too careful and considerate. If this happens to such a lady-like Sienna, it could happen to every kid. Dad will talk to the teacher this morning. But I did tell him NOT to make it known to the school.


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