Bringing up Baobao etc.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Commuting by Train

The school is closed for anotoher week. I am taking Sienna to the downtown daycare for a few more days. She didn't want to come. I said, in exchange, she could wear a dress every day. It must be a very good deal for her in deed. "All right, I am going" were exactly her words.

Things have been good so far. I got up a bit earlier. To save time, we took the breakfast on the train. This morning, we had ham, scrambled egg white and pan cake etc.

People who take their kids to near office daycare usual get on train's section for the handicap. In the beginning, they start with a stroller. People know each other and chat. We only get on at midtown and ride probably one third of the ride. So we know them but don't really know them. That's what made this morning's incident a bit embarassing.

Before I sped up to the station, I wrapped myself around with a grey silky cashmere scarf that I got as a new year's present. I parked the car and took Sienna walking throught the parking lot and rushed onto the train. We had to pass the whole compartment to get to the other end and sat down. I took off the scarf and tried to stuff it into my purse. Only then I realized all the tags (in fact three of them in total) that came with the scarf still attached to it. I felt a bit embarassed. I would have laughed at myself if those around me are people I know and see everyday. Now I just sat there thinking how I would think if someone appeared in front of me wrapped in a scarf wtih all the tags still attached.


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