The Party of Blue
I don't know why, the end of May is considered the company's year end. We have one extra company party besides the universal Christmas gathering. Neither of the two employee parties includes family members. Being a full-time working mom, I would rather be at home with the family after work than having more “me time” anywhere else. Last night, with reluctance, I went to the party – a happy crowd with good food, unlimited open bar and energetic dance music.
The new venue was deliberately decorated with a blue-theme. It made me "blue" a little bit. I wished Sienna could be there. She is crazy about blue. I wanted to take the blue balloons home but I couldn't wait for the party to end. Coincidently, prior to the party, I got her a pair a blue sandals along with a few other things for her and daddy. That somehow made up my day and hers. She loves the sandals and is wearing them in the rain today even though I told her they were for really hot sunny days.
Love the blue shoes .. Min..!
By Anonymous, at 7:21 AM
thanks. they fit her present blue stage. has chloe any color preference?
By minimum, at 12:23 PM
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