Bringing up Baobao etc.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

In the Eyes of the Beloved

This is the most detailed, colorful and therefore the best image so far throguh my new Razr phone camera. I use it for my phone's backdrop image. Sienna took it while she was riding on the backseat of our moving car. Very sturdy hand and good catch of the view. Sienna has been using the phone camera a lot. Now I realize it's good that I didn't get the popular pink-colored phone. Otherwise, She would totally think it was hers.

Also I made a mistake by getting a digital camera from Toy R Us for her five-year-old birthday. The camera is like an old non-digital camera -- it doesn't have a view finder. With the same price, I could have gotten a regular digital camera all right. She loves taking pictures. And that should be encouraged.


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