In the Grand Scheme of Things
I sent out a card with a Chapter's gift certificate to a boy who is having his Bar Mizvah next week. We will have to miss the ceremony because at that moment, we will be out of town. Then today, I read an article forwarded by P, a Jewish friend and a mother to an adorable Chinese girl of Sienna's age. The article is about an adopted Chinese girl's bat mitzvah, a beautiful tale of how one lives in the Jewish religion while somehow keeping her Chinese heritage.
I have been wondering what is in between the Chinese and Jewish. There is this one Jewish friend of ours who speaks English without accent, yet Lui and I couldn't get over with our impression that he utters every word in Chinese. When something good happens, some friends who call would say, "Mazel Tov!" On the morning of our Chinese new year, we would have Jewish friends calling to extend their greetings. And my best friend is Jewish whom I would call each other several times per day...
In a world of chaos tangled with racial tensions, my immediate environment sets a positive tones. I believe that the world is coming to an integrating stage. It could take different passages. It could result in harmony or it could cause conflicts, all part of the process. Only the trend is inevitable. Therefore, friendship, marriages and adoption inter-racially are all the ways to reduce and resolve racial conflicts. And realizing this will probably make it much easier for the people involved.
I have been wondering what is in between the Chinese and Jewish. There is this one Jewish friend of ours who speaks English without accent, yet Lui and I couldn't get over with our impression that he utters every word in Chinese. When something good happens, some friends who call would say, "Mazel Tov!" On the morning of our Chinese new year, we would have Jewish friends calling to extend their greetings. And my best friend is Jewish whom I would call each other several times per day...
In a world of chaos tangled with racial tensions, my immediate environment sets a positive tones. I believe that the world is coming to an integrating stage. It could take different passages. It could result in harmony or it could cause conflicts, all part of the process. Only the trend is inevitable. Therefore, friendship, marriages and adoption inter-racially are all the ways to reduce and resolve racial conflicts. And realizing this will probably make it much easier for the people involved.
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