Bringing up Baobao etc.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Jamed with Jazz

One day, we tuned in to a jazz radio station in the car and since then we have stayed tuned for a couple of weeks. Sienna now cannot get a ride without it. Classic music is subtle and takes a lot to get in. Jazz is obvious and it demands your attention. It engages you emotionally. Yet it has more layers to it than the rock 'n roll or the popular songs. We spent quite some time on the road today, dropping off Rachel, getting back to the camera store again, driving Sienna to Olivia's house and back. On our way home, Sienna was closing her eyes with her head resting on the back of the seat. I thought she fell asleep. Switching off the car engine and the radio, I heard Sienna saying, "that made me sleep."

"What?" I asked

"the music," she said.

"was it because it was good or because it was boring?"

"Soooo good!" she commented.


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