Bringing up Baobao etc.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

exactly who's gonna run the house

all the way home, sienna was trying to paste a cut-out snake onto a cut-out tree to make them a one-piece craft. so concentrated, she bumped her head on the car door getting off her seat, only slightly. she cried out, "i need ice cube, ice cube, mommy." i said "i am sorry, let's go in and get some ice cubes." when we stepped inside the house, still crying, sienna gave out her instructions: "mommy, you go get the ice cube quickly, i'm going to find the tape (for her craft in progress) downstairs. you call me 'sienna, sienna,' i am coming right up."

now, should i be worried who is going to run the house and stay calm at all times?


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