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Thursday, December 09, 2004

good news about not doing exercise

or in another word, a good excuse for lazy people like me.

Louisinana State Univesrity did a study recently. they put 700 people through a 20-week exercise program. as a result, some of them improved maximum oxygen consumption, a measure of a person's ability to work, by 40 percent, some showed no improvement at all. the average was only 17 per cent. so the team suggested that some people are immune to the benefits of exercise.

despite little but quite solid proof, i like to believe that i am one of those people immune to exercise. exercise is supposed to make you feel good, right? once i was dragged by my friend carla to a 2-hour gym session. i survived all the labour. but it didn't make me feel better. i was feeling great already.

once upon a time though, yoga and meditation did make me feel super good, body and soul. due to inconvenience, i stopped last February after a 6-months perseverance. i have been thinking lately about picking it up again. yes, i am willing to give up my immunity to yoga.

don't you want to find out if you are immune to exercise or not before you make doing it part of your new year's resolution?


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