Bringing up Baobao etc.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Back to Normalcy

A quick note to praise Sienna for her good nature.

As things were clearing up for Sienna health wise, I put the evening TV ban back in effect. Sienna turned the TV off herself after watching our favourite "4 Squares". Maybe she had enough of it already for the past 3 days. Also last night, we decided to send her back to her own bed after three nights. She went without incident, not even a question about the decision. She had a nice hot shower. We read the books "I tell the Truth" twice, and "Sister's Stage Fright" from Berenstein Bears Series once. I put her music on. After the "good night" kiss and hug, she went right away. I went to flip channels on TV, following up the speculations about Martha Stewart getting out of prison after midnight.


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