Bringing up Baobao etc.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Sick Kid: Serious & Serene

Trouble always comes in pairs. First, the pink heart Sunday. Then, it was tummy ache Monday. Two were separated but related. Sienna didn't feel discomfort from the bead in her ear. But she seemed to lose her appetite from the long hours of waiting in the hospital's emergency room. I don't blame her. Dad told the teach not to give her any juice over her empty stomach. So they gave her pine apple (canned I suspect). Great!!!

Last night, the pine apple came all out with all the food she ate in a thorough puke. This is probably the third time that Sienna ever threw up in her nearly 4 years of life. She also complained about an ache tummy. And it was the first real tummy ache ever. She only had pre-poop tummy ache once in a while.

Again, unarmed with knowledge, I was calling the world for help. Since there was no other symptoms associated with it, somebody told me not to do anything, but only offer her hot water. Kids can go two or three days without food as long as they can keep hydrated, as I heard as I listened to a mother of 3. So that was the easy advice that I took.

I lifted the evening TV ban and stayed with her in bed watching "Tree House" channel. The other side of the bedroom was lit up dimly by a rosemary-scented candle. Sienna is not a whining sick kid. Most of the time, she stays still and bears it, snuggling on a rubber hot water bottle, her pink blanky and me. She didn't look like a poor little thing either. She was very much like what she is nicknamed for "Tai Po" (great grandma): serious and serene. So I stayed by her side and bared it with her. She even let me go for a long shower break.

She ended up sleeping beside Daddy. We wanted to make sure she was covered all night. I had a good night sleep to make up for the night before when I didn't even have an hour, worrying about the misplaced "heart". I heard she woke up a couple of times asking for water. No more throwing up. This morning, she ate 2 eggs and she was later but is now at school. I cannot wait to go home now.


  • Good job mommy! For future reference, warm unfizzed ginger ale (the ginger is good for upset tummies) or warm unfizzed (shake it up first) coke (also a good remedy for upset tummies). Then the BRAT diet. The four most digestible foods Bananas Rice Apples Toast (no butter). After 12 hours of no throwing up start nibbles of food.

    By Blogger The Writers Blog -- Joanne Nakaya, at 1:57 AM  

  • thank you for the encouraging. You seem like a resourceful mama.

    good job maybe... but wasn't she too stuffed with 2 eggs in the morning? i have to find out tonight.

    By Blogger minimum, at 3:43 AM  

  • Hey.. Min,
    Hope she is feeling better by tonite.. :) Let me know.. :)

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 3:46 AM  

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