Bringing up Baobao etc.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Lunch Time

It's said that it's going to be officially summer in 4 days. The heating in our house went off the night before, just for the record.

I started to feel coming alive, like the rest of the city population. I almost hung up on someone as I jumped and rushed for my Chinese take-out lunch. Then walking down the street, I let the breeze bring on the happy thoughts -- Life is so very beautiful! Sorry, you only have the right to say this after having experienced the winter in this part of the world.

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I bought Sienna these two adorable pairs at BabyGap.

But the slip-on of size 10 didn't fit her already! Another sign that this is our last season there at BabyGap. She has very high arches like me. So I went in to return the pair. I took out my own pen to sign a form while the girl was looking around for one on the counter. I explained, "I am ready to give out my autograph all the time..." We both laughed. Then I bought a pair of printed roll-on pants (same style different color & pattern). The boy, apparently overhearing my previous statement went, "I need your autograph again."

I also went to the very Sony Store. Abby couldn't get her Sony CD/MP3 Player/Recorder to record. After some research on the internet and inquiry with Sienna's Godfather, we realized it needs audio-only CD. So I got a bunch there for her...


  • Woo!! nice shoes and clothes.. ;)
    Hands me down..!! hands me down..!! hands me down..!! hehehhehe!!

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 2:51 AM  

  • Hey.. Min,
    I meant hands me down for chloe.. not that the clothes and shoes looked like hands me down.. ahhaha!!
    Hope you didn't mistaken what i wrote.. heheh!!

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 9:18 AM  

  • hi, mrs t, no mistake when you wrote or when i read... love to do the hands me down with chloe...

    By Blogger minimum, at 9:06 PM  

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