Bringing up Baobao etc.

Friday, September 08, 2006

One Different Note

When Sienna was presented with a new piece of music last Saturday, she went like this, in Chinses, "oh, so hard!" It was a piece that inolves the left hand hitting a key across and over the right hand and immediately switching back to it's regular positioning to continue. In a matter of one evening's practice, Sienna got a handle on it. It has been smooth sailing week. She takes about 15 minutes total to play 5 times for each of the two pieces assigned. Just a while ago, she demanded to have one count added even she didn't play it properly. Now she asked not to have one count added if she made one tiny mistake. With the confidence growing, she started to act as if she is on the stage performaning. I then tease her from time to time with her "oh, so hard!" comment.

Towards the end of the practice today, I sugguested she listened to the piano teacher's recording one more time so that she could smooth out the tempo. Reluctanly she picked up the ear piece. She dropped it half way through and then played the piece one more time. She corrected one key from C to it's adjacent B. Apparently she found her mistake and corrected by listening to the recording, half-heartedly! What an amuzing listening ability! I am so impressed.


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