Bringing up Baobao etc.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Leaving Home

Leaving home has not been as tough as before emotionally for everybody, because we were just home last year and we are looking at the prospect of having another home in China... I kind of just took off as if I would come back any time soon.

Sienna however wished her stay could be longer. She kept telling me, "I don't want to go back to Canada because they will cry." They, my mother and Auntie Jiang (my sister-in-law), have been spoiling her rotten. They said to me, "let us spoil her, you do the disciplining when you go home." I caught Auntie Jiang flying kite with Sienna on her scooter yesterday afternoon.

And physically, we were already back in Beijing this afternoon, having dim sum lunch with Frank's family. The world is getting small and smaller. I told myself not to take it so hard about travelling around.


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