Bringing up Baobao etc.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Fake Snow Flakes

For three consecutive Sundays, I took two girls to Science Center. Today we attended timely a seminar on snow, ice and winter. The presenter tried to show us how snow flakes were formed. Rachel got to go up stage and be the snow tester. Sienna reminded the presenter, "you forgot to ask her name..." Towards the end of the 1 hour and 50 minutes seminar, Sienna reminded her again, "you forgot to show us the ice ball." The girl did in fact promise to show us how the volume would increase when the water is frozen. Anyway, I had a little nap over it not because it was not interesting, but the auditorium was so comfortable, the chair and the environment. When I opened my eyes, I saw some snow flakes coming out of a machine. I heard she said those weren't real. Then we audience got to pass around and touch a snow like materials in a plastic bag. It felt icy cold. Now the spotting and the touching combined lead me believe she did produce the snow or snow flakes on spot. But when the husband questioned the process, both Sienna and I couldn't specify how the snow flakes were made. We had a good laugh. And both agree Science Center is a way better place than Disneyland.


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