Bringing up Baobao etc.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Year’s Resolutions

Sienna woke me up twice last night asking to start her Kenny G’s music. When I initially declined, she started to whine. So I went over and gave her the remote control so that she could do it herself. This morning, I resumed my lesson that I didn’t get to finish with her in the middle of the night. She needs to have some new year’s resolution, not just one, three of them. First, she should stop whining, second, she should continue to practice her piano well, and lastly, at the risk of her getting back to me for talking loud on the internet, she should go early enough so that it all goes to the toilet, not with a bit on her pants.

We spent the whole day, just three of us, in the house. We haven’t done this for a long time. I cleaned up the house and kept the washing machine and the dryer busy for a good part of the day. Sienna practiced her piano, did her Chinese homework and played on the computer and watched TV. I took her out to get some breakfast supplies at the end of the day. As a reward for her sticking to her new year’s resolution, I bought her a shinning pair of shoes she fell in love with. Also a pink silicon iPod skin, gum, nail polish and new batteries for her Pixel Chick game. She actually had the last few items the shopping list she made a couple of days ago. She asked for my shopping list and held a pencil for making check marks.


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