Bringing up Baobao etc.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The “S” Word

I never quite understood the psychology of the spots fans until now that I want so much for the Obama team to win. Things are looking promising as they are dashing into the finish line. Today they got the powerful endorsement of Collin Powell, one of the rival party’s most reputable figures. I am upset that the McCain camp is splashing the “S” (for Socialism) word on Obama. It’s yet another attempt to demonizing their opponent. And I hope it’s I hope it doesn’t scare people away.

The question is why Socialism is such a demon to the Americans or why Capitalism is one to the Chinese. Both are only monsters in their heads. From time to time, in order to advance, any society needs to incorporates measures that are not the norm in their philosophy. The Chinese already embraced capitalism wholeheartedly. It’s time the Americans kiss some socialism, even half-heartedly. Bush and Paulson alike are trying reluctantly to buy the partial ownership of some major banks. The British and other European governments are more decisive and clear about their stepping in as part of the rescue effort. What could be more socialist for a state to own the banks? But nothing wrong if it helps to stabilize and advance their people’s life.

Sometimes, the worst hurdle that blocks people from moving ahead is the monster in their own head.


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